Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The gang!

the kids. well. i guess this is an update on the kids.
Logan-aka-Lobster-loves reading, science, social, playing his trumpet, Francais and anything church related, especially his new calling as the Deacons Quorum President. what can i say? i'm so proud.
Madison-aka-Madi, Pumpkin- loves cooking, math & art. She'll make a great mom one day. Very kind. Simple. Low maintenance! Loves people.
Carter-aka-Tarter Sauce- as rambunctious as the day he was born! Never slows down. Loves trains and building toys like Lego & K-Nex. Loves recess and gym. Why? because he can run around!! Also likes computers and choir. No time for the 'real' subjects! Mama's boy. Could possibly live in his pj's!
Ok, i just realized that all my kids have food nicknames. I don't know what that's about.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

something old, something new

ok, ok. i know, i've been neglecting this thing! i'm not making excuses, but family reunions, camping and fun summer activities take up a lot of free time. the kids are settled back into the old routine of school now and i can breathe. and spend time perfecting my new hobby i started early last spring. quilting. it's fun. it's creative. it's me! i have dived in and since last january, i have one completely finished, 3 in progress and i just bought 2 more kits from a store in canmore. i can see how this could be addicting. but for now, i just do it in my spare time, which is rare. what else is new, well, i was released from enrichment leader and i am now the cub akela...again! i have 12 boys and 1 great assistant, which also happens to be one of my best friends in my ward. i have also learned that being casual at my job is awesome! i work when i want to work, not when they want me to work. i plan work around life and not life around work! first of all, i am pround of myself for going out to obtain a job, something that was nerveracking for the past few years (really, you have no idea how intimidated i was, there's something to be said about facing fears), but also happy that i know in my heart my only REAL job is being a mom. i LOVE being a mom, frustrating as it seems most days, it's the best job of all!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

summer's here!

well, so far it's been great and i hope it only gets better! i remember that summer seemed like forever. then there's that famous quote that all parents probably hear and i often hear from my kids "i'm bored!" my mom would find a chore or 2 for me to do, so i quickly learned not to repeat that. it's almost time for vacation. i can't wait! hot, hot, hot! fun, fun, fun! the best part is trying NOT to be on a schedule. it will be nice to spend time with family, especially the ones i rarely see. i wish my side of the family did family reunions. when i was young i never knew that they exsisted. now i can hardly wait for the next one. i really enjoy them and one day i'll finally be old enough to earn a bed! it's like moving up from the kid's table to the adult table. very exciting. i guess that's all i have to say, nothing too exciting going on, just work and more laundry!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

School's what?

Well, tomorrow is the last day of school for our 3 rugrats! I can't believe another year has slipped away. They have grown so much in the last 10 months. Speaking of growing, the past couple of years have had so many milestones, I'm wondering how to remember all of them. I started a family history album and now have a place to put all those bulletins with my kid's names, baptismal certificates and things like the name tags we received when we went to the Temple for the first time. I am not a scrap booker, but I'll do my best to make it pretty! If you have any suggestions, send them along. Well, also this year, I became a working mom. Some days are tough, but for the most part, I think I was ready for this. I can't believe I've been at home for 12 years!!